Selasa, 30 Desember 2014

it is always about YOU

Examine me o Lord..
from head to toe..

Let me live beside You
Never let me lose You no matter wot

You are my life, my hope
You are my all in all

No more fears nor worries..
For i know You are my stronghold, my Prince of peace, my Triumph..

It ia always been You
You and You alone..
You will bring me out n give me Your Victory, Your Honour.. and let my enemies see that my God is live in me.

I am so thankfull that You treats me respectfully like You treats Jesus. You see Jesus in me and love me like You love Him..

Teach me to respect You, honour You, and love You like You does to me..
I'm here looking at You, waiting for You.. for You alone..

. . . .

Senin, 15 Desember 2014

miss you..

already december..
almost christmas.
christmas tree not ready yet.
house is a mess.
look! dad put his books and papers in our living room..
if only you see.. hahahaa.. i bet you will grumble for days..
ow yeah.. you know that those 3 bad fishes are dead. hahahaa.. finally! i hate those bad fishes! you know i hate them, right..

i am casual busy.
many things to do, short time i have.
i miss you..
you really good to make us work welcoming christmas.
i like your beef steak, like your capcay, like your chicken, and all..
i miss all family gather in our house.
ow yeaahh.. i do..

i miss you..

i know we will meet someday..
i wonder how u look like right now.
do you ever remember me?
do you ever miss me too?
wot are you doing there?
are you busy?
do you still wisthel?

i miss you around..
i miss teasing you..
i miss you laughter..
i miss your smell..
i miss to hug you..
i miss to kiss you..
i miss get busy with you..

dad miss you too you know..
he is having a flu..
don't worry.. 
he'll get better..

i already told God i missed you..
well.. guess that's all for today..

have fun in heaven mom..
you are the best mom i ever had..
i love you.. 
thank God i have said "i love you" thousands time bedore your time.. and sometime i said it till you get angry with me.. hahahaa..

big hugs and kisses..
your daughter-OLa

Minggu, 23 November 2014

there is no such thing like "i owe you"


suddenly come up in my mind.
'the truth is there's no such thing like i owe you'.. well.. that's new as i thought.

suddenly i ask God, 'is that true?!'. coz as far as i know, we human were thought to pay back all good things that everyone did to us, right?! right??!!

not long, i got this new understanding.
that human not suppose to owe to other human. if he or she did or do good things to others, it's because God use them as His tools to show that He is good for i or you. that's why we should thank God for everything happened in our life. yes! that is the reason why God make them do good to us.

and as return that we thank God is we should do good things to the one who did to us and to others also. why?!

so that others can feel God as we feel God when others did good to us. as simple as that!! YES!

because only God who has our heart, can change our character, and make us do good things. no human can do such things without a rewards. only God can. why? easy! it is bcoz He created us!

yup! yup! like the Bible said. 
if you want others treat you right, you better do it first to them.. maaaann.. wotta great understanding.. wawawawaa..

well, then i got this conclusion.. that is true.. no such thing as i owe you.. or pay back time.. but there will always i owe God and should do good to others. remember when we were sin? He died in the cross to redeem our sin and make us righteous.. 

finally.. let us do good to others because we owe God.
and not because we owe human..

Rabu, 19 November 2014

ordinary girl

ordinary girl?
100% disagree with that words.
all girls are SPECIAL 👏😄
that's why i got many blessings different than others.. that is also why i got this problem not like any other girl have.. 😣

i'm in love..
yup! 🙈
not puppy love but real love..
i guess its true when some people said "don't use drugs but go in love!"
it's cause same effect, though. your heart beat faster, lack of sleep, loss weight, hard to focus in job, no appetite, etc.. yeah, it's funny to people but not to me n those who have it. 😭😭

well, i just cut it short!
i mess up! verry bad even madonna would like to give up sing n become single for life.. 

i tell u.. i've tried to make it better but come up even worst! oh man! it makes my life like an terorist. feels like to kill everyone that trying to help me but they just make it even worst!

tonite i make a decision!
i will tell the truth n nothing but the truth wotever cost!
i'm born as a winner
life as one
n will die as a winner!!

still wish for the best
and i believe it will come
sooner than i pray..

when i'm in love nextime,
i'll do it right..
so, help me God 😘

#responsible to my stupid act#

..will write u soon blog😘

Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014


ngajar lagi..
cmungudh baru menanamkan kebenaran demi kebenaran berkobar dalam dada..
pengamatan sekilas: i can handle it!

sesi doa: amaann!!
sesi pujian: amaann!!
sesi games: 2 pasang anak laki-laki bikin kasus!! mereka gw ajak keluar kelas dan kena kotbah panjang aQ. akhirnya, tentu saja aQ suruh saling memaafkan. biasanya mereka sangat rela untuk saling memaafkan daripada kena semprot aQ terus.

sesi kotbah: gikiran aQyu.
aQ masuk dan maju ke depan kelas. mataQty menyapu seluruh kelas. sepertinya mereka sudah siap. aQ menyapa mereka dengan kurang hangat karena 2 kejadian dengan 4 anak laki-laki tadi. untuk memulai diskusi aQ mengingatkan mereka missi gereja anakz semua murid mulai fokus padaku. keadaan sunyiii..

kerika tiba2 terdengar suara celetukan "terusss??.." spt "so wot??".. semua mata melotot padaku menunggu aQ mengamuk!

celetukan yg lucu n sangat berani! aQ hampir ngakak ktawa! ini ciyuszz!! anak itu menaikkan andrenalinku!! bhahahaa!! tapi aQ bisa menenangkan diri dengan baik. anak laki-laki yg suka sekali membuatku senewen. kreatif, berani, dan sedikit kurang ajar... hahahaa..

sometimes, bahkan disaat marah bahkan mau mledak sekalipun, ada hal yg masih bisa ditertawakan. hidup itu memang penuh keajaiban!

tentu saja dy aQ suruh bertemu dg pembina lainnya. krn hr itu hanya ada aQ berdua dg jesmon, maka aQ minta dy ketemu dg jesmon. and you know wot?

jesmon itu sepupu dr anak itu dan mereka saling menyayangi.. bahahaaa.. can't say a word, huh??!!

simple letter
simple life..😘

Sabtu, 27 September 2014

i wish

i wish hard
from my heart i cried

i wish full hearted
for Your grace

i ask Your mercy
down on my knees

please take care
the one
that i love
i pray

Senin, 02 Juni 2014

special moment 1

as usual, today i mentor some children in my church.. i feel so lazy.. so sleepy 😣 but it's my job..  so, i let one of my team share about disciples things to them.. ahahhaaa.. clever me 😆😋

time goes by so slowly.. ⌚️ can't really focus to his words.. 😴 finally it's over n we have to say our prayer in turns in a circle.. somehow i fallen sleep in prayers 😴😴... i pushed my self to awake.. i heared children say prayer.. i thot my turn still away.. and i fell a sleep again n try to stay up but can't.. 

then i hear my friend next to me say a prayer.. 👼 i believe an angel wake me up.. before i say my pray, i must do a deep inhale.. so i did.. but suddenly i fart..

thank God none listening, i assume.. so, i do a little pray.. i got the last pray. as i say 'amen' someone asked.

'who do the fart?' asked jesse.

shame on me.. oh God! well, i had nothing to do but confess.. i just did my pray, right??

'i did.. sorry,' i said.

'hahaha.. it sounds funny..' she said.

huhuuu.. next time i better open my eyes when i sleepy in prayers.. don't wanna get fart for the second time..

thank God i was with those children not in front of someone i like most..


Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

good morning God :D

today i'm very happy..
although i'm having serial seminar this week,
i'm happy, you know..

and this happiness is different..
i feel You..
definitely YOU..

wish i can tell about You
to everyone i know..
i wish i wish oh i wish..

wishing, hoping, praying..
well, i'll do wot You say
and You will do the rest..

wish You'll be happy too, God
like me

my precious
my God
