Senin, 15 Desember 2014

miss you..

already december..
almost christmas.
christmas tree not ready yet.
house is a mess.
look! dad put his books and papers in our living room..
if only you see.. hahahaa.. i bet you will grumble for days..
ow yeah.. you know that those 3 bad fishes are dead. hahahaa.. finally! i hate those bad fishes! you know i hate them, right..

i am casual busy.
many things to do, short time i have.
i miss you..
you really good to make us work welcoming christmas.
i like your beef steak, like your capcay, like your chicken, and all..
i miss all family gather in our house.
ow yeaahh.. i do..

i miss you..

i know we will meet someday..
i wonder how u look like right now.
do you ever remember me?
do you ever miss me too?
wot are you doing there?
are you busy?
do you still wisthel?

i miss you around..
i miss teasing you..
i miss you laughter..
i miss your smell..
i miss to hug you..
i miss to kiss you..
i miss get busy with you..

dad miss you too you know..
he is having a flu..
don't worry.. 
he'll get better..

i already told God i missed you..
well.. guess that's all for today..

have fun in heaven mom..
you are the best mom i ever had..
i love you.. 
thank God i have said "i love you" thousands time bedore your time.. and sometime i said it till you get angry with me.. hahahaa..

big hugs and kisses..
your daughter-OLa

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